Friday, November 25, 2005

Maybe I'm back!!!

Pues a peticion de Margita y Marcelita (don Agapo! jijiji) i'll try to keep up. Maybe now that I'm going on my long European vacation I'll be more diligent in posting updates on the blog, and will only send e-mail to the kind souls that reply....or not.
This has been a very trying year and it's time for a good, long break. I'll be indulging in an European winter which I hope is not too harsh so I can walk, and walk, and walk the streets of the cities I might end up visiting. I don't have a concrete plan except that I'll be spending Christmas with my cousing Bertha Elena who lives in Holland. She just had a baby girl and I'm really psyched to meet the new addition to the family.

I'm flying to London on November 29 and perhaps returning to Vancouver on February 1. I said perhaps as I am open to whatever comes my way, who knows, I might get a fabulous job somewhere ...... you never know. So I'll keep you all posted of where I am and what's going on with me. Maybe I'll use this as a journal etc. Well, I'm babbling now so I better go.


Blogger Marga said...

Yay!!! por fin!!! Carolina y su blog!!! que chido que nos vas a tener al tanto de tus aventuras, porfas no dejes de escribir aunque estes lejos... pero bueno, no mas por un ratito, o ratote o lo que sea pero no te desconectes.


PS: gracias Marcela!!!

5:31 p.m.

Blogger marcela en canada said...

:) es que yo tambien queria que nos platicara de sus patoaventuras, habia que echar la mano.

Suerte en el viaje!!!

8:42 p.m.

Blogger Beatriz said...

Y por fin, el Blog volvio a la vida!!,
asi es que no tienes pretexto para no mantenerte en contacto y platicar las aventuras en la Europas o cualquier tema que tormente tu cabeza durante y despues del viaje.

De plano la Marcelita, donde pone el ojo pone la bala y de manera eficiente nos ha modernizado a todas, chido no.

Bueno manita, a escribir se ha dicho


6:26 p.m.


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