I wonder if anyone is going to read this at all...should it write in spanish? english? maybe german? because french just doesn't work in my brain. Anyway, I think that at least today I will be writing in English so both my spanish and english speaking friends and family can at least try understand what I say.
In Europe I've only been in London and Greece, so if you people know of great little gems to visit, eat, do in different countries please let me know, also if you have friends/family/or acquaintances that I could stay with in the following countries it will be greatly appreciated. Of course I have no idea where I will end up going to, as my plan is to let the winds of the world take me around the old continent. I am planning to go to visit friends and family in: Norway, Denmark, Holland, Madrid and Paris.
Your contacts would be great in Barcelona, Lisbon, Prague, Sweden, Budapest, Italy, Croatia or Timbuctu. I will be gone for at least 2 months and I know it's enough time to see EVERYTHING, I know that I could easily stay in one country for that lenght of time, so I might just do that.
I'll keep you posted!!!
Deja checo en que condiciones vive mi sobrina en Barcelona y si hay posibilidad de que te reciba te aviso ok? saludos!
2:36 p.m.
Yo te paso despues una lista de hotelitos buenos, bonitos y baratos por Italia.
5:08 p.m.
Yo no conocer a nadie que te de asilo, pero en los Hostels y en el tren es bien facil conocer gente que esta viajando en tus mismas condiciones y que igual te dan asilo en sus casas o te conectan con alguien.
EN el avion, en vez de dormir como oso, deberias aprovechar para medio hacer un plan de lugares que tiene prioridad, pues dos meses se pasan super rapido y siempre existen lugares, museos, calles o tiendas que no estas dispuestas a no ver y el librito que te compraste seguramente de dara muy muy buenos tips, opciones e ideas de cosas que hacer.
So my darling Have fun, because you will love the old continent.
6:35 p.m.
Cual Coatlicue??
Bien viajadita y toda la cosa...
Nos tendras que enseniar fotos cuando regreses!
10:57 p.m.
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