Friday, January 13, 2006


AAAAAHHHHH, we arrived in Rome. So far, bellisimo!!
Will write more. Love you all. Sorry I haven't been e-mailing, I'm always half asleep when I'm on the net, or don't have enought time.


Blogger marcela en canada said...

1 gelatto a day, that you must do!!! (oh! its winter...)
Rome is such an eclectic city, I know you will love it. Watch out for the drivers, they suck!

1:07 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Caballo, tambien les recomiendo ir a Pompeya. Es un viajecito de un dia o dos, pero vale la pena. Acuerdate que tu objetivo es un italiano guapo y millonario que te saque de trabajar, jajajajajajajaja, asi que ahora es cuando, chile verde, le has de dar sabor al caldo.
Besitos del gatitolindo

6:48 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Roma! How can you not completely fall in love with Rome? Notice the fat sleek cats in all the ruins? They're there, maybe hiding for warmth, but they're there! I'm so envious. Rome is magic. Probably my favourite capital after Prague.

12:21 a.m.


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