Marc from North Carolina
My friend Marc came to Vancouver to run the Vancouver Marathon and visit. We met in New York a couple of years ago. I always enjoy showing foreigners my town. It's like having these really nice clothes that you can brag about. He was lucky to have a few days of sunshine, though on marathon day Vancouver showed it's true colours: grey, wet, windy and cold! ayyyy, poor Marc, when I drove him to the Stadium at 6 am it was a very miserable day, I let him of the car and then went back to the arms of Morpheo in my warm, comfy bed, hihihi.
He ran 42.16 km (26.2 miles) in 03:42:43, not his best time according to him but to me it sounds awesome, I think that I will never run for that lenght of time, my knees would be dust afterwards! After the race we roamed around the stadium for a little while, listen to the band and then went to celebrate with some strong Margaritas!! later that night we went dancing until 2 am.

The following day we went skiing to Whistler and I am so impressed with Marc that he didn't just dropped dead. At Whistler we met this really cool old guy who taught us how to ski, yes, I've skied before but one hour of Teo's lesson was more helpful than all the other courses I have taken. Marc had only skied once before and by the end of the day he was able to go down pretty smoothly. So if any of you are coming to Vancouver to learn how to ski, I'll be more than happy to recommend Teo to you.

It was a lot of fun to have Marc coming to Vancouver, we can talk and talk and we like a lot of the same things. I took him to Yaletown and we found this really funky store where he bought the coolest pair of shoes and shirt.

After a few days in Vancovuer he went camping to the Garibaldi Park for a true Canadian experience, camping in the snow! how cool is that?

So I hope to see you soon! I really enjoyed your visit! the guy from North Carolina visiting Carolina del Norte, jijiji, o sea, YO!

Caro, que bueno que ya estas de vuelta por aqui. Creo que copie mal tu celular porque todo mundo me dijo que te dejo mensajes y a mi nomas me decia que "this number is not available" :(
Aunque sea por aqui veo que ya sigues mejor. Te mando un besote.
1:46 p.m.
Caballo, ahora te vas a volver gringaaaaaa, JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA.
8:17 p.m.
Que onda Marc!!!
Que pena que no te pude conocer, pero mil felicidades por la carrera, yo quiero ser como tu cuando sea grande...
12:13 p.m.
Hola Carolina, y saludes desde la otra Carolina del Norte. La pase muy bien, y si me enseƱaste lo mejor de tu bella ciudad, fijate. Si quiero regresar Y conocer mas de tus amistades, se suenan en este foro que son gente mas chevere...
6:21 p.m.
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