Thursday, March 23, 2006

Today's find

We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.



Blogger Caro said...

As I am preparing for a new class that I will start teaching next week "Intro to Corporate Communications", I am reading this book called "Reputation" by Charles Fombrum. It talks about reputation as a bankable commodity, how it affects shares, sales etc through credibility and perception. In one of the chapters I found the quote I posted. I really like it, because the word Excellence can be subsituted with anything really, good and bad. We form habits by repeting actions, thus, we can change anything we want, right??

6:33 p.m.

Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Carolina. There is a lot of wisdom in quotes from all times. Today we are much more developed but are we more wise? I think the wisest men 3.000 years ago were as wise as the wisest men today. What repeatedly do also has a lot to do with what we repeatly think. Doesn't it? Take care.

2:18 a.m.

Blogger Raquel said...

Lo que escribiste me recordo a algo que yo habia oido antes y ahora googlee en internet:

Cuida tus Pensamientos...
Porque se volverán Palabras.

Cuida tus Palabras...
Porque se volverán Actos.

Cuida tus Actos...
Porque se harán Costumbre.

Cuida tus Costumbres...
Porque forjarán tu Carácter.

Cuida tu Carácter porque formará tu destino, y tu Destino será tu vida.

5:32 p.m.


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