Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Lots of times I go to my blog only to see that there are no comments! arrrgghh! it's so sad....so if you read the blogs comment! that's the whole point no? to create on-line communities, exchange ideas, say JE_LL_OU?? A little ranting is good! ha


Blogger Marga said...

bueno, bueno... aqui esta el comentario... estoy de acuerdo que da mucha emoción ver comentarios en los posts, prometo comentar más seguido. saluditos

2:03 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oye, Paris, ya ves, por eso me da flojerita a veces escribir el blog, no se si lo leen o no, y en cambio con el email no me pasa eso.
No vayas a traer a Tinkerbell el sabado, eh?? JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA Besitos de Juani.

7:22 p.m.

Blogger marcela en canada said...

Ejele!!! Ya puso su foto linda y los links... Carolina you are becoming a bloger :)

10:44 a.m.

Blogger Caro said...

si verdad? ayer BB y yo nos sentamos a figurarnos cositas...jiji y si que he aprendido!

11:16 a.m.

Blogger Unknown said...

Now that I have created my own blog I'll give you regular comments to your blog. I really hope to get a lot of dialog from my own blog. I am trying to write about some topics from my book every day! By the way: How did you manage to add a photo to your profile? Take care.

7:45 a.m.

Blogger Beatriz said...

AZUCAR!!!! se enojo la ñora!!!!
PRIMERO EL GATO Y AHORA TU????, que nos pasa????

12:50 p.m.

Blogger Caro said...

Oigame, no es que este enojada pero bueno, pare eso son los blogs, par platicar,

4:13 p.m.

Blogger Caro said...

OK, I have an idea, I can respond to myself, yes, that way I can truly excercise my gemini/double personality-look at the issue from all different points of view while driving myself nuts because I can make up my mind abouth things...how about that! mmmhhh, that might be a good idea too, hihihahahihi, laugh hysterically, muuuaaahahahaah

6:41 p.m.


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