Tuesday, April 10, 2007
About Me
- Name: Caro
- Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
I was born and raised in Mexico City and due to some life fluke I ended up moving to Canada to continue my design studies....that was 21 years ago!! Now I really love living in Vancouver and wouldn't want to move anywhere else, except maybe New York, Amsterdam, Rome or Barcelona, but only for a while. My current moto: When life gets hard, difficult, depressing and all looks like doom and gloom...dance! WOW it is the best medicine (second to travelling...) Now, I'm venturing to the unknown, baby steps, that's just like my precious (the little nephew).
Nocierto, caballo, el conejo se equivoco y te trajo huevitos de chocolate aqui a Puato, me los dejo con una nota que eran para ti, pero que te preguntara si le habian dejado cuando menos uno al infante en casa de su madrina, o sea TU.....pa que mentiendas, manita, ahora te toca a ti poner los huevitos para el nene...y porque no, para ti misma, que es lo que el conejo Sandieguino hace. Besitos de
2:53 p.m.
Que lindo bebeque!!
10:11 a.m.
Oigame, ya tiens mas fotos que yo, haber si me las mandas
9:17 p.m.
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