Thursday, December 22, 2005


THe day I moved to my friends house in Paris, while getting off the bus I fell down in an spectacular way, even the bus driver got off the bus to help me. I got a golf ball like bump on my knee and now my knee is going black, it is hard to walk and it's hurting. I need drugs.....I got some from some colombians I met.....hahaha


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Oh... You had better rest it. The perfect excuse to sit in a cafe with cups of hot chocolate!!

Or the perfect excuse for a long train ride. Something that doesn't require too much walking.

Take care of it !

8:46 a.m.

Blogger Raquel said...

Aaaah que coatliquez!!! Ojala que la rodilla siga mejor! Vendatela y apechuga...descansala un poquito, pero tienes que salir a tomarles fotos a los hombres de cada pais para que a tu regreso decidamos cuales son los mas guapos!
Cuidate Caro! Un abrazo.

3:14 p.m.

Blogger Caro said...

si, ni hablar de la coatliquez, po's fijese nina que no vi el semejante bloque de concreto. Se me hace buenisima idea lo de las fotos de la raza inferior, digo, los hombres de cada pais y tenemos despues un concurso. Excelente idea, lo voy a hacer. Feliz Navidad!!!

6:45 p.m.


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