Friday, December 09, 2005


TAK means thank you in danish. So thank you so much to the Jensen family, Gunnar, Roxana, Anna and Olga and the grandma and the boyfriend Kris. Kris likes to run like forest gump, just give him a few drinks and a few hours of not seeing his beloved and he will grow wings in his that is a real thing that happened and I guess will be a running joke of the family.

It was so good to be with good friens in a family setting, we ate together every day, I even cooked and made a cake. For farewell dinner Roxana cooked a traditional danish Xmas dinner that consists of potatoes cooked in a sweet-salty sauce BRUNE KARTOFLER, sooooooo good, red cabbage, gravy or something like it, and baked pork with skin, the skin is baked to a crips so it's Danish Chicharron called FLAESLEESTEG. It was soo tasty but very heavy. And I made my famous pondarosa banana cake and had that for dessert, I think I was just about a minute from exploting. Of course, great wine was with us....again!!! hihihi

On thursday we went to Illum (another department store) where Olga - the oldest daughter- works, I hadn't seen her, it was nice to see her again after many years and she really looks pretty much the same, as I remembered her. From there we were in a bit of a rush and guess what.......we had MacDonalds! as I had to get to the train station to Paris via Hamburg. Roxana and Gunnar took me all the way to the train, it was a bit confusing but got my spot all right.

So as words will never be enough to express my gratitud I can only say TAK, Gracias and Thank You.

It was a great and memorable week. Denmark is really beautiful, and somewhat magical, no wonder why Andersen was so inspired.

So next, I will be writing about my Paris experiences. Now that I'm out of the comfort zone of having company I am already feeling the effects of being with my thoughts alone. I have major PMS, a biiiiiiiiiiiig, phenomenal mother of all pimples on my left cheek bone, a slight bruced left eye (I banged it good in the train) and a bump in my head (I bumped it in the train). Also, I am a bit dizzy from the train motion, so, it wasn't my best Parisian debut, but here I am.


Blogger J said...

Hey there!

Glad you are enjoying your trip around Europe.....plenty of places I would recommend, but if you are only here till Feb, well, not much time left and a lot of ground to cover! I'll try and tell you some good ones, wherever you are, if I can!

3:23 p.m.

Blogger marcela en canada said...

Retecontenta que se ve en las fotos!!
Oye, si tienes chances ve a un restaurant muuuy parisino que se llema Cahrtier. En un mail te paso direcciones.

4:19 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the photos Carolina! They really bring the stories to life! Que gozes a Paris! What do you think they'll make of your Canadian French?

7:45 p.m.

Blogger Marga said...

Disfruta tu tiempo solita... y porfavor... MAS FOTOS!!! muestranos Paris a travez de tus ojos (y el lente de tu camara) un beso enorme amiga... enjoy!

11:53 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sunday morning here...finally a the chance to sit in front of my PC. I just read your 2-week "field report" in this blog.
I am thrilled for yah Caro.

Keep it coming! The people you meet, yummies you tastes, places & things...looking forward to hear more of your travel experiences and perception as you hop around the countries of Europe!!!

Stay safe..missing you!

9:41 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hola, Caballo !!
Que bueno que pongas fotos, asi es como si me llevaras cargada en tu bolsa....Roxana esta IDENTICA a como me acuerdo de Olga, su mama.En el tren seguro te pegaste porque seguias marinada, manita. Ahoga pogfavog continua con tus avengtugas en Pagui.....besitos del gatito

9:51 a.m.

Blogger Beatriz said...

Orale manita, deverdad que Olga, Roxana y Gunnar estan igualitititos.

Seguimos esperando PARIS!!!!

10:29 p.m.

Blogger Raquel said...

Que bonito!! mas, mas!!

9:37 p.m.


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