Saturday, September 29, 2007


A year ago, today, I moved out of the place that Dean and I called home. Today, I moved all my stuff out of the KUBE office. The kube as I envisioned it just didn't happen, and it sucks that Dean had to move from the space that we built together and costed an arm and a leg. The landlords are a fucking chinese mafia that arbitrarily raise the rent, break contracts and basically are screwing several of the tenants, apparently there is no protection for commercial tenants. I hope Dean continues to work on it [kube] because things were starting to gel. We'll see.

This cicle is closed.

It is very, very weird. I threw out so many things. Just keeping the most important stuff. Now all of it is at my place, not sure where I'm going to put it all. I 'm kind of wondering..... Now What???

I can't believe that at 40 I will be starting all over again. Ce la vie...right?


Blogger Beatriz said...

Creo que KUBE siempre fue mas importante para ti, pero aunque latoso, que bueno que el ciclo ahora si ya se cerro al 100% y con eso que la vida empieza a los 40, veras que el siguiente sera fantastico

9:03 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Si Caballo, la vida empieza a los 40. Tu no te preocupes por nada, y como dice Napoleón: Trata de ser feliz con lo que tienes, vive la vida intesamente luchando lo conseguirás.

6:37 a.m.

Blogger Raul said...

Ok, so now I'm officially confused :)

Dean? Who is Dean?

Por cierto Caro, si si soy salsero. Mi email es

Un abrazo y mucha suerte en este nuevo ciclo.

1:10 p.m.


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