Nothing like getting up and heading straight to the mountain. Veronica and I did the Grouse Grind, invigorating. I haven't done that for a long time so it was challenging. I did it in 1'35" which is not that great really, I use to do in in 1 15 or so. But oh well, It was a beautiful day and boy did I have energy to last me for 48 hrs after that. Then went to work, and then went dancing until after midnight, but when I hit the pillow....I was gone....gone, gone. Maybe that will be the only thing that makes me sleep???
Sorry I missed you at salsa on Sunday. I usually have my sunday nights booked but I'll try to make it at least for the very early portion of the dance sometime (I know, only two weeks left).
By the way, if you ever do the grouse grind again, I'll come with you. I've been doing it in 1.15 but I am sure we can both improve our times, and it'd be fun!
10:19 a.m.
I've never done it, can you belie that?!?! But I heard that ist a great hike!! Congratulations on the 1.5 hr! Is not bad, common!
3:45 p.m.
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