Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Well, I spent Christams in Holland, in a town call Dommelen, south of Amsterdam about 30 minutes from Eindhoven, the 3rd largest Dutch city, where the Phillips company is from. The 25 and 26 are dead days, so it was good to be with family. The dinner was Salmon, Stoffed (estofado), spaguetti, salad, weird potatoes and lots of dessert. No Turkey!!! hihihi and of course lots of wine and beer. I didn't pig out, amazing, that's not part of my life any more but I still got sick, so maybe I did pig out after all though really who wants to pig out on salmon? not me.
Pelena's daughters got a whole bunch of gifts, I got a diary, a lipstick and a couple of bracelets made by my aunt, and a CD of one of Eric's friends who is a sax player and his music is awesome! OK internete about to run out so I'll continue later. Tata babies .

I'm back. so yes, I had a nice Xmas, weird to be the only one in "my" family and with no friends, I don't think I've ever done that. Of course my cousins are my family too, but it was more about their family, weird. though it's good that we've always been close so then you are just part of it.

My cousin's kids, Sara Elena(almost 4) and Isabel (2 months) are really cute girls, and also were my other cousins Vicky y Memo, Carlos, Mercedes, Luli and my aunt Lourdes, Bertha and Juan, so it was 13 of us, it was fun. Eric, Pelena's husband, the dutch guy was so nice and helpful and fed us well, his friend Jos spend Xmas with us, he is a sax player so I got a CD from him - and everyone else too. I stayed with one of Pelena's good friends, Nolfa from Colombia, way too nice to offer accomodation, I was going to go to a hostel but this was better as she lives 1 minute away from my cousin, so it was convenient. Xmas we went to bed at 5 am and the other days around 2 or so, so just having to walk 1 minute was good.

So that was my rest Pit Stop, got sick, slept and didn't walk much, just one day we went to Eindhover, on the 26 everything was closed except the ice rink and some restaurants. That day Winter decided to announce its definite arrrival. When we left the house to take the bus it was 9 degrees, by the time we arrive to Eindhoven (25 min by bus) it was snowing and fr%^&* cold!!!, mild winter is over!

Now I'm off to Amsterdam, looking forward to it.


Blogger Raquel said...

Caro: Que bueno que te la pasaste bien...todo se oye delicioso..
Un abrazo

2:32 p.m.


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