Nobody in Italy so far seem to be very interested in the upcoming Winter Olympic games in Torino. The flame is going to come around Milano on Jan 29, there are some banners by the train station and that is it. weird.
Anyway, I was expecting Milano to be this fabulous place and at first glance it isn't, though I know it takes me 3 days minimum to get a good feel for a city. So today after I found out I couldn't leave I started exploring the place.
The Duomo is breathtaking, I think that so far it is my most favourite church in the gothic style, I love the gothic style. It has thousands of needles and I love the details on top of the interior columns and the ornamentation of the sections of each dome.

The Duomo, it is being restored

I went to see the Last Supper and couldn't get in as they claimed there were no spaces available until Friday NEXT WEEK.... that sounded to me like what the Bush twins were told about the restaurant in New York. I asked, well, if someone doesn't show up can I go in, and they say, EVERYONE shows up, I said I didn't mind to wait bbut the staff was totally adamant and told me (and a few more people) to make a reservation or leave. So I left. They take 25 people every 15 minutes and if you are late you don't go in, it sucked! so if anyone is planning to travel to Milano better book now to see it, otherwisse,,,,,this is what happens. I also went to the Sforza Castello, I love old castles and went to the museum. I was looking forward sseeing the exhibit on fashion and textile design and guess's no longer. Can you believe that there are no musueums of fashion in Milan or Roma?? or at least I didn't find them, but nbe sure that I have been looking for them!!
Then of course I went to walk in the Galleria Duomo and Montenapoleone, Oooooohhhh, ohhh, migod, needles to say I am still drooling, the stuff that can be found in this city.
I wonder what are the conditions that create such a fertile place for creativity. The Italians are incredibly talented people, as a people, since forever. Why is there so much genious concentrated in one country? is it the pasta? no really, i find that really fascinating. Perhaps is that they know how to enjoy life? they enjoy food, friends, family, everyone seems to talk much, kind of not holding back. Though, here in Milan people seem very tired. The well heeled are dressed perfectly but the masses don't seem to be so fashionable. cheaper clothes, vinyl purses or cheap ones. Perhaps is because everything is so expensive, I mean, shoes go for at least 180 euros. Milan is the economic power or Italy, apparently they make and sell everything here. I would like to come back here some day and really explore the scene.
In Rome and Firenze my hair was a hit, got a ton of comments. Here in Milan EVERY woman has long, straight black hair, I mean ALL of them. And the men, still with great shoes. Lots of boldies and to the relilef of some of you, some with facial hair, beards to be exact. The few nacos with a mustache, jajaja.

An outdoor theatre in Milan. See the inset, it's so cool!

A mi no me gusto Milan, la gene me parecio pesadita y recuerdo que era super caro, ademas TODO nos toco cerrado o abierto a horas extrañas,fue la unica ciudad de Italia que simplemente alucine y es de los pocos lugares a los que no me dan NADA de ganas de regresar.
3:55 p.m.
Aparte hacia un frio del carajo, no paro de llover y el hecho de que no haya museos de la moda tiene que ver nomas con que alli se crea la moda, asi que es como querer poner una funeraria en una maternidad.....elgatitolindo
10:38 p.m.
La gente bastante pesada, las tiendas bellisimas, los ricos vestiodos precioso pero en general no tan bien vestidos como en otros lados. Muy gris y muerto a las 8 pm. Y aparte hacua un friazaso, llegue al hotel y vi la tele y estabamos a -6! por eso me congelaba....Claro que hay unos lugarcitos hypersupercucos y trendy pero ni ganas de ir. Pero ya llege a Barcelona, me vine en avion, el hotal esta en las Ramblas en la Plaza Real. muy padre!
6:28 a.m.
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