Wednesday, August 30, 2006

20th YEARS !!!!

Immigrating was not something that I planned, it just happened, effortlesly. Sometimes I wonder why I ended up here. Sometimes, when I see 19 year old girls i think...they are SO young...maybe my parents didn't love me...why did they let me go? I am grateful to them, it took a lot of guts and trust in God and in me to let me fly like that, if i had a kid I don't know that I would be that strong.

End of August 1986. I was sick for a couple of months that summer. At the airport with my mom, my sisters and my best friends, Edith, Cato, Gina, and (at that time) Adriana. I was about to embark in an adventure that would change my life forever.

That day, after that picture, I boarded a JAL flight that took me to Vancouver. I was to start school there. Foundation Year, to learn about art, painting, sculpture, creative processes and mainly Life. I left, all excited and with a determination and thirst for adventure that to this day surprises me. At the same time I was so sad to leave so many good things behind, but heck, it was an adventure. I arrived in Vancouver and it was HOOOOT!! Next day I go to school and it was WEIRD...everyone dressed in sandals, and holy t-shirts, and me....dressed like a good Anahuac Design girl, dress, high heels, HAHAAH. I was able to spik englich, no problem, not until 2 weeks later when I couldn't say anything except Yes, with the goofiest smile on my face. Went to my first party....oooh! welcome to the first year the basement we are providing entertainment....great! a smorgasboard of drugs, mariguana, hash, and god know what else. I had a beer. (and still wearing pretty clothes and high heels and make up....LOL!). Living in the most horrendous place ever, with the most toxic people I have ever met. Missing my family so much, Missing my sisters and missing my country. Spend the weekends on the bus, knowing Vancouver inside out. Started making friends.

Right away I met Nicky. We became fast friends, we were roomates for a while, after graduation started our first business together. She graduated from Photography, then went on to do her master's in Religious Studies and now she is off to Montreal to do her PhD. She was my first friend here, and now she is leaving. OH! she'll be doctor Nicky, and we met 20 years ago when we both were trying to be artists!!

After toxic place i moved out and lived on my own for the next 6 years. It was a good time in my life and it was the worst time in my life as well. I became insecure in lots of ways, i became so strong in other ways. I became invisible and at the same time I shone. I grew up. I fell in love. I became my own person. I took things too seriously. I was alone and had no one to rescue me if i screwed up.

I broke my foot, my mom died, that semester I did terrible in school. I kept making friends, i kept learning, i started to feel part of my new city. I graduated, started a business. I got married, i missed Mexico and everything that it meant to me. I missed my family. I kept learning, and having fun. Dean and I travelled and enjoyed life. Bought our place, B&R move here and my life takes a turn for the best, started yet another business, get the canadian citizenship; learnt jewelery, painting, yoga; started teaching; missed my Mexico; vancouver becomes my home; more turns; more fun; become canadian; more work, travel and friends.

Now, 20 years later heading for a new beginning, starting all over again. God only know what's in store for me. It's been an amazing ride. 20 years!! it has gone so fast and so slow. Now this is my home. Mexico will always be my first home, my first love, my grounding path, my roots, my identity, my soul. I ended up here permanently because of love, very romantic, very true, and now it has become part of me. I belong here, I no longer feel invisible.

I arrived here by some fluke of life, to go to school. I remained here to be with my Dean, for love. And now I stay here by chioce

Oh, yeah! i'm thinking about that Serrat's song, don't know the name, but it includes " andar se hace camino, y al volver la vista atras, se ve la huella que nunca, se ha de volver a pisar, caminante, no hay camino, sino estelas en la mar..."


Blogger Raul said...

Hola Caro,

Encontre tu blog via Marcela de la Pena y Raquel Mazariegos. No tengo el gusto de conocerte en persona, pero me encanto tu post sobre como inmigraste a Canada.

Hace una decada hoy precisamente me mude a Vancouver. Era un niNo en muchos aspectos. No sabia que iba a ser de mi, y no queria saberlo de cualquier manera. Hice mi licenciatura a 40 minutos de mi casa (en otra ciudad) para poder correr a abrazar a mis papas cada dos dias. Y en 1996, me gradue de 'mocoso' a 'hombrecito'... tome mis maletas y me vine a empezar una aventura.

Que bonito ver como han sucedido las cosas para cada persona :) Espero conocerte algun dia. La verdad me doy palmaditas en la espalda cada vez que pienso en la excelente decision que tome de ir a buscar y conocer a Marcela, Raquel y espero ver pronto a Lino y a ti tambien.


1:19 a.m.

Blogger ElGato said...

Although I usually don't like to comment in English, sometimes I find it's easier to use it when emotions run strong. Funny how one trip changed so many people's lives. 20 year aso when you left, the rest of us who stayed behind changed too. The dinamics of the family. Missing my sister, with whom I shared the bedroom for 19 years. Wondering how come she'd gone and I had stayed behind when it was me the one who always wanted to go to college abroad. Finding new clothes in my closet every time she came back, and finding that some outfits I liked were gone at the same time she returned to YVR. Visiting her in a trip that would be the first of several to Canada, and which also changed my friends' lives, one of them stayed behind and became Dean's roomate for a while. No email back then, just snail mail and pushing one another to get a couple of minutes over the phone. Wondering how she managed to get around when she broke her foot...clashing sometimes as she got "canadianized" and used to be alone...wondering why she was not meant to be around there when mommy got sick, when it was so difficult to endure each day and when an absent sister (actually 2)meant becoming strong on our own. 20 years !! Life is a cycle. Wish you the best in the one that's starting. I love you forever.

2:48 p.m.

Blogger Caro said...

raul, creo que llegamos al mismo tiempo para empezar la escuela!
gracias por tu post y si a ver cuando nos conocemos, ya que hasta vivimos en la misma ciudad!

5:39 p.m.

Blogger Beatriz said...

20 years ago and I still cry when I remeber the day you left,it was one of those that mark you life for ever. El gato lo ha expresado muy requete bien. Looking forward for the 20 to come!!!!
Love you

6:11 p.m.

Blogger Marga said...

Gulp! esta increible esta reseña de 20 años en 20 minutos... (seguro tardaste más de 20 min en escribirlo, pero se lee tan padre que se va de volada). Se que lo sabes, pero el haberte conocido en estas circunstancias, en esta epoca de cambios y de muchas emociones, ha hecho mi vida mas completa. Lo único seguro es el cambio, asi que... hay que entrarle al cambio y adaptarse a lo que quiera venir... pero al compartirlos con amigas como tu, que vengan los cambios!

Gracias por compartir tantas cosas padres en estos primeros dos años de conocernos, se que se convertirán en 20 algún día y podre escribir con mucho orgullo de todo lo que he aprendido de ti y de todo lo que nos falta aprender juntas.

Te quiero mucho Caro... you rock!

9:44 p.m.

Blogger marcela en canada said...

No es facil tomar la decision de irse de su casa. Y a los 19 anos, no jodas eras una bebe!!! Yo me vine a Canada hasta los 26 y me sentia en panales, imaginate.
Me encanto tu forma de platicar lo que te fue pasando y, pues que tu ya sabes lo bien que se lo pasa uno con usted y lo mucho que se disfruta una buena platica, una buena comida y un buen cafe.
Igual que Marga, conocer gente como tu hacen las cosas mas faciles, como que se sabe que ahi estas, y desde aca te mando un abrazo.

P.D. Ademas me echas una de porras con mis salsas, que ya me la voy a creer ;)

7:26 p.m.

Blogger Ful said...

Difficult to choose sometimes, I don´t know what to emigrate is but I admire people who leave home looking for a better world.

4:48 p.m.

Blogger Raquel said...

Wow Caro!!!!!
Es increible todo lo que ha pasado en estos 20 años.
En tu fiesta de cumpleaños le comentaba a alguien que viendote a ti se me hacia que los 40 son los nuevos 30. Ahora ya se porque percibo eso en ti: no tienes ganas de dejar de explorar nunca.
No sabes lo que este post hizo por mi. Te veo a ti, tan fuerte, y se me quita el miedo.
Un beso!

12:11 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Que decirte caba?
life is a ride!
Mira lo que nos ha pasado a todas en estos 20 años!
-I´m crying!!
Miss you,
and always love you,

2:34 p.m.

Blogger dull said...

Hola caro
primera vez que entro a tu blog pero tuvo un gran significado para mi,pues dentro de mis planes esta emigrar a vancouver proximamente y la sensacion es ambigua.
tu historia es muy bonita y muy bien contada en solo unas lineas.

2:57 p.m.


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