Thursday, August 03, 2006


I have major bloggers block.

I am sitting down pondering about my next post and nothing seems to agree with me. What do I want to write about right now? misery, disappoinment, heart break, fear, loneliness? mmmhh, that is not very cheerful is it? dichotomies? perhaps, then it would be about misery and/vs. joy, love and/vs. hate? Maybe I should write about happiness, my latest theoriy, "nobody is happy" - all is misery with random explosions of happiness....mmmh, so bitter and not really what i think. Or about what I think vs. what I feel vs. what I believe? mmhhh, isn't all that supposed to be the same, and happiness pops when all those are aligned? Or I could write about gratitude, what the hell is gratitude anyway. It is so easy to be greatful for the good things in one's life, but, how about being greatful for the bad, sad, hard things that happen in our lifes. Now, that is hard, but well, if everything comes with a lesson, then I should be greatful for all the shitty stuff going on. Maybe I should actually do that, maybe that's a lesson I need to learn. Maybe I should just keep writing and working through this inpsiration block. Maybe I'll find something that moves me, for good or bad, and then, my little fingers will get going and going and going.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read, "Full Catastrophy of Living" by Jon Kabat-Zinn

11:12 a.m.

Blogger ElGato said...

Caballo: disciplina !!! A sentarse y a escribir !!aunque sean dos renglones. Cuentanos de porque eres un poni rosa.

4:41 p.m.

Blogger Caro said...

To all the concerned people. Yes, I am having a very rough time right now for many different reasons. When I wrote this post I wasn't feelling very good at all, and I am surprised at how strong it came accross as I have been getting calls and e-mails from many of you. Thank you, unexpected but welcomed

10:43 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

girl, you are sounding like you are about to spin out of control, what on earth is really going on with you?

3:10 p.m.


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