Through life, we all celebrate different rites of passage to mark important stages in our lives. Baby showers, baptisms, first communions, confirmations, bar mitzvahs, birthdays, graduations, engagements, anniversaries, first dates, marriages, promotions, retirements, and deaths.

Different cultures and different religions have their own celebrations.
In my life, besides all the ones mentioned above we also had some embarassing ones, like every time any girl in my family got their period, our mothers would call all the aunts and then we would get "the phone call" of congratulations! you are now a "senorita"!!! ARGGGHHH! that was embarassing, I didn't like it when I got that silly phone call, but looking back is a celebration and a nice welcome into womanhood from all the other women in the family.
Weddings, I love weddings. I think they are very important for everyone. It is a big deal to intend to committ to love someone for the rest of your life. It involves everyone close to you. When in love it's just so great to say that to the whole world. Too bad that too many people think marriage is a wedding, but well, that is another post.

Death: the only thing that we KNOW is going to happen. When my mother died I hated the funeral, and everyone in it. Again, the feelings of that day are worth another post, but in hindsight the funeral marks a turn in life. A change in life for everyone involved. At least in Mexico everyone goes to the room, have coffee, act sad and depressed and then leave. Here, the wakes are a big party. People dress up, watiers serve food and drinks, caterers deliver good food, I've seen "wake planners"...I kid you not!!! My mom died on Dec 30, so for some reason many people showed up to our house on the 31 for new year's dinner. I hated them all, I sat under the table for a couple of days. But I've heard people saying that for them having people around after a dead in the family was the best for them. So, anyway, it's up to each person.

So, all the big events in life that are marked by a celebration of sorts is generally a big and happy occassion (except the funerals). Now, what happens when someone gets a divorce, finds out they are very sick, go bankrupt....? These are also times in life that change things forever for everyone, thought I don't see them as occassions to celebrate, I think they should at least be acknolwedged.
Just as I was writing this post I found out that one of my best friends just got engaged. Of course I'm thinking about an engagement party ...

In a few weeks I'll be officialy divorced....should I have a divorce party? I think not. But I'll find a way to mark that turning point in my life.
I guess that wakes here are more celebrations of life. When I die, I would really like my friends to remember me by my passion for life, my salsa dancing, my volleyball, everything that defined who I am.
As for the divorce party, I can tell you what I did when my ex dumped me to go and get married: I went salsa dancing (after having cried for a full weekend). Just a hint :)
2:43 a.m.
pues yo opino que igual y hagamos fiesta o algun tipo de festejo del divorcio, pues como ya dices, es el comienzo de una nueva etapa y el fianl de un ciclo, asi es que porque no celebrar
9:21 a.m.
What happened to the computer and the monitor?
9:38 p.m.
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