Friday, January 25, 2008


This morning, around 4 I woke up with a bad stomach ache (had McDonalds for dinner, go figure!). I got up and was walking around and had a sal de uvas picot. I was walking around and sat down to read because I was wide awake. I was listening to some music, and thinking about my next class. Around 5:45 I went back to bed to make myself fall asleep. So I turned the lights off, the radio, closed my book, fixed my pony tale and there I was concentrating to fall asleep, I was thinking to do some meditation ....
as I was thinking "i want to sleep, i want to sleep" I felt 2 hands grabbing me by the ankles, I heard and felt breathing very close too face, a hand fixing my hair and the radio was turned on.

I FREAKED OUT. I thought that for sure I was going to be killed, that someone was in my bedroom. I didn't move or anything mainly because I was frozen! Then the radio turned off and I finished freaking out. I sweated like if I had been doing 30 hours of kickboxing.

At about 7 am I was able to move and got up. There was nothing there, nothing was moved, went to check the rest of the depa and everything was normal. I fell asleep again around 8 am.

That is one of the freakiest things that have ever happened to me. I wonder what it was.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

no manches Caro!!! que espantosa experiencia!!! serĂ­a una sobredosis de sal de uvas picot? nunca he oido de algo asi pero quien quita

De entrada no vuelvas a cenar McD... yikes! que mello!!



7:21 p.m.

Blogger Beatriz said...

Orales hermana eso si esta de harto mello, pero alomejor es de lo unico que te acuerdas de un tormentoso wet-dream jaja

see you soon

1:58 p.m.

Blogger Raul said...

That has happened to me before!

En serio, se siente horrible, pero asi me ha pasado, exactamente!

2:52 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Caballo, eso te paso por no ir a misa de Navidad !!!!

8:21 p.m.


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