This morning, around 4 I woke up with a bad stomach ache (had McDonalds for dinner, go figure!). I got up and was walking around and had a sal de uvas picot. I was walking around and sat down to read because I was wide awake. I was listening to some music, and thinking about my next class. Around 5:45 I went back to bed to make myself fall asleep. So I turned the lights off, the radio, closed my book, fixed my pony tale and there I was concentrating to fall asleep, I was thinking to do some meditation ....
as I was thinking "i want to sleep, i want to sleep" I felt 2 hands grabbing me by the ankles, I heard and felt breathing very close too face, a hand fixing my hair and the radio was turned on.
I FREAKED OUT. I thought that for sure I was going to be killed, that someone was in my bedroom. I didn't move or anything mainly because I was frozen! Then the radio turned off and I finished freaking out. I sweated like if I had been doing 30 hours of kickboxing.
At about 7 am I was able to move and got up. There was nothing there, nothing was moved, went to check the rest of the depa and everything was normal. I fell asleep again around 8 am.
That is one of the freakiest things that have ever happened to me. I wonder what it was.
no manches Caro!!! que espantosa experiencia!!! serĂa una sobredosis de sal de uvas picot? nunca he oido de algo asi pero quien quita
De entrada no vuelvas a cenar McD... yikes! que mello!!
7:21 p.m.
Orales hermana eso si esta de harto mello, pero alomejor es de lo unico que te acuerdas de un tormentoso wet-dream jaja
see you soon
1:58 p.m.
That has happened to me before!
En serio, se siente horrible, pero asi me ha pasado, exactamente!
2:52 p.m.
Caballo, eso te paso por no ir a misa de Navidad !!!!
8:21 p.m.
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