Luli is the youngest of my cousins from my mother's side. Pablo is the son of my mother's best friend since they were 10 or 11 years old. They met 6 years ago while I went with my cousin and my aunt to visit Margarita, (my mom's friend), Euge (Pablo's sister) and Maria Emilia ( Euge's daughter). Pablo saw Luli and maybe it was love at first sight, or at least interest at first sight. After that they went on a date and 6 years later they got married. We've known each other forever, so it's nice that now we are "related" somehow. I'm sure that my mom was dancing of joy.

The wedding was beautiful, maybe one of the nicest weddings I've gone to. I was a bridesmaid, it's only the 3rd time in my life I do that. I've missed a few weddings, sniff, sniff. The whole thing was in an old Hacienda. The religious ceremony was in a part of the Haciend that had very high stone celings, surrounded by gardens. The priest was very light and modern. When Luli offered her bouquet to the Virgin Mary, she sang the Ave Maria....what a suprise, I knew she was part of a choir, but had no idea that she could sing like that. I think everyone cried. That was beautiful. She looked beautiful.

The reception was in a big colonial hall in the same Hacienda. The dinner was very nice and the band a lot of fun. We danced all night. I was so cool to see all my cousins, aunts and uncles and all of Pablo's family. It's so cool to call Eugenia "cousin", and the Ordonez "relatives". It was a very happy occassion. Most of the family came to the wedding. The only thing about this events is that it's hard to have any kind of real conversation with anybody.
I spend a good lenght of time with Lourdes, my cousin from Monterrey. We are the same age and both on our own.

Euge and Pablo have been my friends forever, and now they are my cousins too, isn't that great!??

I wish Luli and Pablo and long and happy marriage!!!
Gracias Caro ! Nos dió tanto gusto verlas a todas y estoy de acuerdo contigo, que padrisima boda. Que bien que ahora si ya somos parientes !!! que taal ?? quien lo hubiera dicho. Yo le pregunté a mi Ma si cuando conoció a tu Ma se hubiera imaginado todo esto, que locura!! Habiendo pasado toda mi infancia tan cerca de ustedes solo me queda decir: HOOOLA PRIMAAAAAS !!!!!
1:50 p.m.
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