I haven't been to Mexico for 2 years. I went there last weekend on a flash trip. The airport is finished now, it's simple and uninviting. All those telcel billboards on the walls are ugly and a good example of visual pollution. There is one mural somewhere that is nice. The whole place smelled like sewage and gosh! that makes a very bad impression!!
I love flying over the city at night, it looks soooo big. I like to see the rows of traffic in the main avenues. One line of red line and one line of white lights, the cars stuck in's nice! and the lines are endless. While we waited for the bus to take us to the hotel it started raining..... MEGA RAIN!! that was cool. I have kind of forgotten that. In Vancouver it rains 8 months a year, but never like those flash heaven-baths! We had a really nice dinner with Erwin at the hotel's restaurant. I asked for Mole at 11 was de-li-cious and BIG, of course I ate it all. The service was excellent and all the staff very, very polite and helpful so, for a quick stop in Mexico city near the airport keep in mind the Ramada Aeropuerto.

Next day took the bus to go to Cuernavaca. Very organized, clean, punctual and friendly service. We arrived to Cuernavaca and it was HOT!! I forgot it gets hot there. LOL. We checked in the hotel and went to find beauty salons to get ready for the wedding and then went downtown. I LOVE downtown. So festive, crowded, colourful, inviting, energized, buzzing, busy. All the typical street vendors: chicharrones, corn, balloons, magazines, soap bubbles, masks, candies, shoe shine.
The pace of the city is insane. The energy is almost palpable. And to me that is what makes it special and wonderful.
Pinche amiguita, pensé que iba a tener una pequeña aparición. Ya se te olvidó que dormiste conmigo.
En fin, esas risas y la desvelada, espero que haya valido la pena.
A Edith le encantaron, los regalitos, y con el osito duerme diario y se llevó sus lápices al colegio
8:05 p.m.
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