Saturday, December 31, 2005


It's the beginning of the last day of the year. I can't believe it. It was a very strange year, it went awefully slow and awefully quick at the same time. There were lots of happy moments and lots of the sadest times of my life. Lots of deaths....I knew and knew of about 12 people that died this year, some new ones were born. People split up and people got married. It was a year of black and white. I met as well as lost some great people. All the natural disasters. A big dose of reality, intense to say the least, in every way.

As I write this I have my IPod on, looking out the window the snowed rooftops of a nice Amsterdam neighbourhood, it's very cold outside, it's all white, it's all peaceful, it's all quite, I'm not sure how I'm feeling but today while I was walking in the snow, at night, with my tuck and my bag, and my gloves and my (skis) boots while it was snowing I had this great sense of joy. I was really happy for a few minutes, it was peaceful.

I decided to stay in Amsterdam to celebrate the New Year, I really like this place. The train to Prague takes almost 12 hours, so as January 1 is dead everywhere in the world, I rather travel that day and on Jan 2 continue the tour. So I'll probably be walking around the Damrak, dancing in the Dam, eating frites and drinking beer, who knows, I might even have some mariguana....uuuuuuuuuu!!! I think Cecilia is going to join, it will be great, but is she doesn't I know I'll have a great time, I really like my own company, and people are nice, I like talking to strangers, everyone has an interesting story. Supposibly it is going to be warmer, I hope so but if it's cold well, then I'll also have to have chocolate....that's good to keep me warm!!!

I probably won't be posting until the new year.

I wish each and everyone of you a thrilling, magnificent, fun 2006, full of all the blessings that you need to have the best year....ever!


Blogger Raquel said...

Paso por aqui para desearte un excelente 2006. Que alla donde estes sientas el calor de toda la gente que te quiere!
Ha sido un gustazo conocerte a ti y a tus hermanas del mal.
Ojala cuando regreses nos cuentes sobre lo que te dejo este viaje...
Un abrazo.

9:37 p.m.

Blogger Beatriz said...

Hermanita, diviertete mucho durante el fin de año, nosotros te echaremos muchisimo de menos, pero sabemos que estaras bien. Ojala y te veas con la Piti y se pasen unos lindos dias juntas.
Te extraño y te quiero mucho
Happy New Year!!!!!

10:51 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are really something...continue having a good trip, look up don't look down

8:54 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

4:38 p.m.


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