Sunday, January 29, 2006


Aqui reportando desde las tierras Catalanas. Barcelona es tooooooodo lo que habia oido y mas, Me encanta!!! hay tanta energia que creo que si no me pongo lista voy a caer rendida del cansancio, asi es que hoy me voy de cine. Mi amigocha Marta (de Espana) ha sido una linda y me contacto con amigos de ella y su hermano. Ayer fui a tomar cafe con Albert (el hermano) y despues me invito a la fiesta de una de sus amigas que estrenaban "piso". Un depto. preciosisisisimo, enooooorme, con techos de 3 metros and big rooms and all white and the ceilings and walls decorated. So it was nice to go to a Spanish house warming. Lots of yummy food! the must curios was that for dessert there were two blocks of ice cream, so I cut a slice and put it on a plate grabbed a spoon and ate it. Later I realized that the waffers placed beside the ice cream were to MAKE YOUR OWN SANDWICH )(commercial TV resmember), so i felt really foreigner, but it´s cool, and the waffers are the exact size of the block of ice cream.

About Barcelona I don´t know where to start...there is so much going on and I am very tired. It would be the time now to stay here for a couple of weeks, sleep late and recharge batteries but no, gogogogo, and go.

The hostel is located in a great place where I can walk everywhere, the funny thing is that my boots are refusing to move, they are not liking me very much right now. O gosh, I think I am tired so I will be writing to you later on when I feel more focused and know where to start to tell you about this amazing part of the world.

Who has been here???


Blogger Raquel said...

AAAAAAY Carolina toma muchas fotos please!!!!!!!!!!!
Yo quiero ir :)

10:05 a.m.

Blogger Beatriz said...

Pues si las botas estan cansada, a la basura se ha dicho, al fin los zapatos españoles son lindos y buenos.

Figurarse galleta + helado? yo pense que era default yummy, yummy

Y nada de que se va a dormir, a darle a la marcha, antes de que termine la cuenta regresiva.

5:13 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolina --
I trust you received my 2 very long Erwingrams with tips and recommendations for BCN. I am very happy you managed to get a hold of locals, so take as much advantage of that as you can. And use BCN's energy to your advante, too.
Un peto ben fort,

9:41 a.m.

Blogger Marga said...

y las fotos? esas para cuando?

Porfavor avientate unos boquerones (pescaditos en aceite... mmmhhhh) o cualquier tapa a mi salud!!

9:53 a.m.


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