I invited Bea's girlfriends and their kiddies in the early afternoon. We had snacks, and chocolate cup cakes. I had 8 little kids (all just turned 1) at my place, the rugrats crawling around, it was a bit surreal I have to admit. But it was really nice. I really like kids that age, they are so funny.
Carlito was born into a party so he had fun. He liked the candle and the duckies on the cup cakes. It is cute. He was cute. I love parties so I hope the enanos let me do this every year if I can.
After the "mom's" party, I had an adult party. First party I have at my place. It was cool to have our friends to come and celebrate Carlito. But the poor guy didn't last very long. He went to sleep, and well, he didn't go back home after the party, way to go baby!
Awww so cute :)
9:32 a.m.
Maravillosa es la tia Carolina que nos pone fotos del bebequin tan lindo en su cumple!!! Es un niñote guerejo :)
2:18 p.m.
super padre la fiesta de Bebeke, es un galán! gracias por invitarme y por poner mi foto :)
Espero que el proximo cumple ahora si pueda hacerle un pastelote a todo lo que da!
besote a la tia y a la mamá
9:38 p.m.
Holy smokes, it's been a while since I've visited.
I've moved my blog:
2:16 p.m.
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