So now I am home. Vancouver is my home.
I was very happy when the plane landed, I came back in one piece, lost a few things along the way like the Helmut Newton poster I bought!, 3 pairs of gloves, 1 tuck, 2 umbrellas, 2 pairs of earings, an eye shadow, the rust that had been covering my mind and soul for a long time, many fears (though got new ones, like heights), but mainly I was happy because I came back recharged, reloaded, reinspired and really, really happy.

From Berlin to London

Travelling has always been the best medicine for me, and it always will be. It is my passion and I feel so blessed and fortunate to be able to do this. I guess I started this trip trying to escape my life, but at the end I discovered that what I needed was not to let my life escape me. Travelling for me clarifies the cliche of "live each moment to the max", why? well, when a trip starts you pretty much know the day and time that you are leaving and the day that you are coming back, you have a finite, predetermined amount of time, so it's up to you to enjoy it and spend the time wisely, or to stay in the room sleeping and doing nothing, so boy , did I ever enjoyed every single minute to the max, I did, and I am so happy about it. Right now I am jet lagged, exhausted, my poor feet are in the worse condition ever..... emergency pedicure absolutely necessary!! I have so much creative inspiration, and inspiration overall.
Travelling changes you, whether you like it or not,so, we'll see how I turn out!! hahaha. I will be posting more pictures soon, and I think that I will keep this blog going, thought I don't have a clue of what I will be writing about, I'll just let it flow.
I will probably move to Europe sometime, I would really like to live there, Rome! yesyesyes, perhaps Spain or Amsterdam. Who know where the wind will take me next.
Awesome Sis. It is good to have you back and a little more sane, (if such a think is possible)
I think living in Europe for some time is a MOST, so get back to work!!!!
3:04 p.m.
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