BARCELONA -todavia mas que contar!
Well, well. Every night at around 2 or 3 am I went to have a hot chocolate to the Opera Cafe, the waiters got to recognize me and I would get mz choco right awaz, mmmhhh yummy... nice and rich and thick and so chocolatie, of course i think that mz ass is starting to show it, hahaha, but I swear that everz day I have gone up at least 250 steps, I should have brought a pedometer to record how much I have walked, it is insane!!

Picasso doodles and cathedral

There was a cold front invaded Cataluna and they had the coldest winter in the last 10 years (for what thez were sayzing), it snowed in parts of it!! so about 3 days were cold like frozen hell and raining! so it was reallz hard to go visit all the outdoor places, but as a good Vancouverian zou know, get the umbrella and start walking, so I did. I wanted to go to see the Morena Virgin in Montserrat but the place was closed due to rocks falling, gondolas not working and snow, but I was luckz enough that it opened the last day I was there so I went, it was a bit of a Japanese tour as I onlz had 3 hours to walk around, my gosh!!! oooohhh so beautiful, so quiet and so impresive, the rocks used to be under water millions of years ago so the formations are really smooth and tall and round.

Montserrat mountains.

The monasterz and the church are built withing the rocks -separate structures- and it is sooooo silent. The views are wonderful and the weather was amazing. There is a Via Crucis where you walk of a paved trail up the mountian and the 12 stations of the cruxificion are shown with big sculptures. Also, around the area athere are several religios sculpures done in very modernistic approach, and angel in the giacometi style and so on, iäll post some pictures.

Montserrat sculptures and a section of where people put their candles, mine is a red one in the bottom left hand corner. Photo. CB2006

I didnt buy he montserrat honey as my luggage monster scared me in Venezia, everytime i have to carrz I get blisters on my hands and they hurt for 2 days.


I was having breakfast at the Boqueria market almost every daz and I would have beer at 10 with chorizo or fish or something weird but also Macedonia (fruit salad). The market is soooo cute, Granville Island super big and of course with all other sorts of things. I don´t care about eating weird things but I did trz a few like the Boquerones that Marga asked, so I did have a few in your honour and thez are so yzmmz, those are the kinds of food that scare me....hahaha but i liked them. Tapas is the best thing to eat and bocadillos and bikinis (ham and cheese sandwich), and arenques and all the delicios things.
I found Barcelona to be an amazing city, with amazing architecture and cultural life, thriving night life, excellent food and the people that I met were all great, and kind and generous and funny they have a very particular sense of humour that I really enjoyed.

The Falic buidling, isn't this horrendous, but it totally fits the crazy city of Barcelona

I will be heading to Berlin, I extended my stay bz a few days so I will have the chance to se my sister Cecilia play in Berlin.
Tu bagetas.....BARCELONA BAGETA (barcelona lives, pulses or something like that)
Que increible que te animaste a entrarle a los boquerones!!! amiga no sabes la envidia que me da!! ya platicaremos largo y tendido
un beso maja!
3:04 p.m.
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