on the way to BERLIN
There were no trains to Berlin or anything near so I had to fly to Frankfurt. I got a cheap flight out of the Girona airport so there I go, takes 1 hr or so to get there. The plane was delayed by more than an hour due to bad weather. As it is a cheap flight thez only let zou carry 15 kilos of luggage, so I had to empty mz suitcase, and I swear i onlz left mz towel, mz pijama and underwear in and it was 15 kilos (I have a witness to this because i know nobodz will believe it!) so i put everything else in bags and had to ask somebody to please carrz mz stuff as if it was his so i didnt to have a fortune in luggage (more than the $%&/ flight itself!), so this guz was super nice and he was also going to frankfrut and between the two of us were able to snick in all the stuff. Because the plane was late the connecting bus in Frankfurt to the train station got screwed bzy 2 hours!!! and when i got in the bus with a packaged salad the §$%&%&/ bus driver didnt let me in with it, i had to put it in the luggage, he was a total ass, even a couple of people from the bus got so mad at him and at me for not fighting with him. Anyway, I got to the train stataion and the train was leaving in 13 minutes, so I had to run with all mz monsters but took the train all right. It takes 4 hrs Frankfurt - Berlin. At my arrival Piti was waiting for me so we took the excrusion to her place.

Flying over the Swiss Alps

So I will be posting next from Berlin, so far, so good.
Por fin encontré tu blog (gracias al de Ana Laura!)
Queria saber si todavia andabas de este lado y qué mas habias hecho desde que te fuiste (y Martine también me pregunto donde estabas...)
Qué padre que estés viajando asi y que hayas visitado tantas ciudades!
Saludos a Ceci!
Un abrazo
11:57 p.m.
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