One of my favourite photographes is Helmut Newton. For those of you who don't know him he did a lot of the advertising photographs that you have probably seen, for big brands and lots of them were published in Vogue and other high end fashion magazines. He is also well known for his nude photographs of women, I really like the work as it is really intense and classy. Anyway, the museum was excellent, to see all those images in very large format, as well as a lot of the props and letters between him and his clients, the creative process etc.
There is a German department store ZeWeBe (o algo asi jiji), que es asi como el Harrods aleman. El piso 6 es de pura comida, diario traen cosas frescas de cada lado de Europa, tienen mas de 1400 variedades de queso y mas de 2000 de panes, panecillos, etc, Vinos, dulces, chocolates, embutidos, tes, y hasta Cannabis Iced Tea que por supuesto compre unos cuantos - ni me hacen nada, jijiji, Este piso es algo que uno deber ver, que maravilla, y hay barecillos de Champagna, de martinis, de vino, de te, de chocolate caliente, 2 o 3 restaurancillos y el caso es que todo se antoja. Tambien venden aguacates de Kenya, tunas, tamarindo, todos los ingredientes apra cocinar Thai, en breve, el paraiso culinario gourmet, una maravilla!

Mmmmhhh! que rico, es buen desayuno!

Tea anyone?? Each tag is a different tea and the containers have them, there are so many of them! cb2006

On Saturday evening I went to see my sis Cecilia play, it was awesome!! I haven't sseen her play solo, ever, so it was a really special treat. She was accompanied by a pianist (mexican too) and they played contemporary mexican classical music. Really the music not my cup of tea (at least the first part) but the second part was excellent. It was in a very intimate setting, like when Mozart gave concerts to the King in a room with some special guests, and there was wine, and socializing, so it was quite the experience.

Cecilia about to start playing!

Some of the people that went were other musicians, some conductors, cultural attaches of different countries and from different embassies and some just regular people. The concert was very very well received and not to brag but my sis was brilliant, I was touched and I am so proud of her. After that she abandoned me, so I ended up going to dance salsa with the pianist! hahaha, and there he met some of his classmates in Mexico that now live and study in Moscow and haven't seen each other for something like 8 years.! is so weird.
Sunday, just came back from Postdam, a Berlin suburb, where during tumultous times it was the most tolerant place of all Germany in terms of culture, religion and race. King Frederik had his summer palace there, beautiful grounds! It was very very cold, everything was snowed but the sun was shinning and the sky was bright blue, I think we were about -4 or so. I walked around, took pictures, enjoyed the sight seeing and went for a fancy, yummy german lunch as my farewell. For dessert I had some of the best chocolate ice cream ever (best one in Argentina and nothing compares to real Italian gelato, mmmmmhhhhh!!!).

Vista del Palacio de Prussia en Postdam. Que fillo!!!

In Berlin I stayed with Cecilia at an apartment of someone she knows, very nice place and our hostess Sigrid was wonderful, thank you! So I went back, packed and sat down with the people that were there and had a wonderful night that ended about 4 am! I had to wake up at 6! to leave at 7 and be able to catch the metro to the airport. Well, I woke up at 7!!! so ruuuuuuush, run, but I made in with plenty of time - I tell you - German precision is NOT a myth, everythign seems to run quite smooth there! So took the plane back to London (luton airport). Once there I took the train all the way to Heathrow. Once in Heathrow I left the boarding room a couple of times, I thought, I will just go to Italy and see what happens! I almost did it, but then I am not interested in going somewhere to stay as an illegal alien and wash dishes, i don't like washing dishes! so I got in the plane with a big smile on my face....I had a fantastic adventure!
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