So, Berlin here I am! Getting here was a royal pain in the ass but I finally did. At the train station I met Piti and off we went to the place where se was staying. It was great to have a place to stay here. It is in verz nice neighbourhood and the apartment is reallz, reallz nice and big. It is a little bit a way from the Centrum but the metro system is fantastic. It has the absolute best signage anywhere I have been, in fact, if I am not mistaken that is because it was designed by a studio here in Berlin called Meta, one of the best in design in the world, specificallz for the typography. Anzway, it is so nice not to get lost for hours at a train station due to lack of proper signage!!
So the first night we went back to the main metro station and took bus 200 which drives around the main tourst sites in Berlin, it was very dark and very cold, we got out at some spot, found a really nice reataurant and had dinner, a big sausage with potates and sourkraut, excellent! and there was a very good and animated jazz band playing. After that it was almost midnight so we went back to the apartment, it was so freaking cold!!!

The night I arrive it snowed! View from the apartment where I was staying.

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