Travelling, going to new places, learning new things, seeing awesome and ugly stuff, eating new food, eating lots of chocolate pane, beer for breakfast, copious amount of wine and champagne and definately not much water, wow! how fantastic, but all this is nothing without the people one meets along the way...
...each one of those persons add to the experience, most times the contact is so short but it can be very intense and honest, sometimes is just an exchange of niceties, sometimes is a helping hand, and sometimes is just a plain, simple human exchange (OK, I am not going to write all about the endless sexual harassment by males of a certain part of the world that think women are nothing....that I hated to the max -and yes, I know that hate is a strong word!!).


So, to all of you that I had the luck to meet thanks! because that made this trip even more special. The Jensens in denamark, the Botazzis in France, mi cousins Pelena and Eric and their friends and my little cute nieces Sara Elena and Isabel; Rina and husband in Amsterdam; the crazy Irish rugby fans in Venice, Sigrid and friends in Berlin, Albert, Jomelo, Lucia, Danny, Rafael, Neu, Randall, Steffy and Oscar, and all the others in Barcelona, the kind man in London that got off his train to take me to the airport train; Swiss Tom that we met in Prague and had a lot of fun together; Eduardo, a spanish guy that agreed to take part of my luggage so I didn't have to pay an exhorbitatnt amount of excess baggage, ERWIN for his amazing recommendations on where to go, all the people that read the blog, new friends like Giorgio, Alessandro, Marco, Salvatore, Elissa, Jean Michele, Chris, Corina, Anna, Paola, etc, for having seen my sis perform so well, I am sure I am forgetting many people, some I don't remember their names but they are all stamped in my mind!
So, until the next one.
Ujule, caballo, this was pretty much your acceptance speech for the Oscar !!!! jajajajajajajaja. You only missed saying: and thank you mommy for making me pretty !!JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJJA Elgatitolindo.
3:06 p.m.
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