Thursday, March 02, 2006


It is 3 weeks since I came back and I feel that I am just starting to settle down. I have been sick on and off for the last 2 weeks with some bug going around, it doesn't feel good to have so much stuff in the brain, the nose, achy body, fatigue but not feeling sick enough to just stay in bed and rest. Fresh ground ginger, squeezed lemon and honey in hot water does wonders for a sore throat.

I have seen almost all of my friends though not all of them. Got lots of good news like my friends Veronica and Rodolfo bought their first place together, Lorena and Andres finally bought a townhouse and Renee got a new pair of tatas. This Saturday Mariana and David are having a dinner party at their house, as some sort of Welcome back! that is so sweet, so I'll see some of the people i am missing and haven't had a chance to see.

As well, I will be starting a new company as I am no longer part of KUBE. That is a very hard deal for me as I have grown very attached to the company we started and I loooove my office, at least but we got it off to a good start, off I go to start a new venture .... again!!
I am getting really good at getting businesses started, so I am confident that things will work out just fine. I will be going after a different target market and my company and KUBE will be able to pass clients back and forth. I will let you know all the details once I work them out as I will be needing all your support (and referals) to get this new thing going.
The horrendous thought of having to get a job is enough inspiration and gives me enough drive to get into starting someting else, I know what I am getting into and I know it's not easy.
Honestly 9-5, monday to friday, 2 week vacation after one year sounds like hell to me the hibbyjibbies!!

Back into salsa and getting better at it, dancing is such a joy. Back to the gym and with Alex the torturer (trainer), he is evil really evil man, I am in pain eventhough I am not fully back into my work outs as I have been sick.

So life is moving at a very very fast speed, I hope not to get dizzy and throw up!! But it's good to have so much ahead of me so I can start thinking t r i p again soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Desde Carolina del Norte a la verdadera Carolina del Norte -- felicidades con lo de empezar tu nueva compaƱia, y te deseo buena suerte. Eres brillante y tendras mucho exito con eso. Tienes direction de email nueva? Mandamela, y si tienes fotos de renee con sus tatas nuevas me las mandas tambien :-0 Marcos

7:23 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Caballo, yo creo que a lo mejor te dio el avian flu.....y que son tatas de Renee??

9:19 p.m.


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