This end of year was a bit weird. Many of my friends left for 1, 2 or 3 months on holidays and on top of that the Enanos left as well. They had the nerve to take Pillu from me for 2 months. So I was panicked about the holidays. Lady Juani invited me to spend Xmas with them, so after looking forever for a ticket I found a good deal and went. I needed to go and be with my sisters, to wake up and say good mornign to someone and to have dinner every night at home.

I did NOTHING except watch TV, mall and sleep! now, sleep was the highlight as I've spent so many months sleeping maybe 2 or 3 hours a day, my brain was mush. Then, Cecilia and Eduardo decided to go as well, so we had an impromptu family Christmas. It was a lot of fun, a nice, quite fun. We spent almost every night playing cuban dominoes, we laughed a lot! We ate cookies, and pineapple. Cecilia and Eduardo were so super kind to me, they even took me shopping, WOW!! that was great, thanks cunado! and Piti! Poor Juani and Brad were working everyday, and not sleeping much, with the 3 domino addicts playing until 3-4 in the morning.
It was sunny but cold, in the picture above, it was the only "warm" day

Another cool thing was that we went to visit some friends from many years. We haven't seen them for eons. Our parents were friends. Fedra and her family moved to San Diego after enduring some pretty heavy duty things in Mexico City. It was really, really nice to see them again and to catch up with our lives.

I didn't even go dancing, didn't want to. Last time I was in San Diego I went salsaing and I didn't enjoy it that much, the crowd....well, mmh, lots to be desired.
Ana Laura watches a mexican soap called pasiones. The cast is full of HUNKS! so I watched it, at the beginning I was laughing my head off hearing the tough pirates talking with the typical Mexico City accent of the mouth full of straweberries..... gosh! hard to believe the roles, but after I got used to the sound I got hooked on the soap. They have TIVO so we could watch it whenever.
One day I went with Brad downtown to watch the big balloon parade. It was really cool to see all these humongous ballons and there were the typical american bands playing. That night there was a big game, Texas vs. Phoneix, and the bands were dueling at the end of the parade. It was very fun to watch that.

Oh! it was so cool to see the Star Troopers in the parade, I mean, they protect our galaxy, it's about time that they do their civic duty of parading around...it's real after all! hahaha

So Christmas was all it was meant to be, a time for family, of reflexion and relaxation. I'm so happy I went. Thanks to Jonibonis. Thanks Piti and Eduardo.
Before the enanos left for Chile I gave Carlito his first Christams Gift. I know he won't remember any of this, but I think all gets stored in the memory chip somehow, if not that 's what the pictures are for, don't you think?

For New Year of course I went dancing salsa. I was wearing a strapless dress and at some point my boob came out to say hello.....hahahaha! I guess strapless is not a good salsa dress. There were lots of non-dancers that just go and stand with their drinks at the dance floor, spill the drinks, make the floor sticky so we can't dance and it ruins the shoes....other than that it was a really fun party and it was nice to start the year again with my friends and dancing as I just love it. So new year, new day, new everything. I'm happy that this year it's over, again. I hope 2008is way better.