Saturday, March 31, 2007

.... the newest celebration:


In Mexico, March 31 has been assigned
as Taco was about time don't you think?

Hay tacos de carnitas, de frijoles, de aguacate, de sal, de papa, de queso, de guisados. Nada como ir a una taquiza. O para muchos esos [horrorosos! ] tacos de canasta. Pero los taquitos de pollo, d0raditos, con harta crema y queso encima, y su lechguita y el acompanamiento de frijoles refritos y guacamole, lo unico mejor que eso son taquitos al pastor, with lots of pineapple and cilantro and salsa after a good party on the way home way after midnight.

I'll have to go and buy tortillas and make tacos of something. Ohhh!! I have CHILORIO....YUMMY!

Friday, March 23, 2007


Carlo is almost 2 months old and the little tyke has already touched so many lives and changed ours too. For the parents it's all the immense changes of everything in their lives. For me, the auntie, is the absolute best experience in the world.

I am glad to report that I have changed some diapers....imagine....ME changing diapers, who would have thought? ahhhh The other day I was folding Carlo's clothes and he has this blue set that was a gift from aunt Bertha, it's the tiniest thing I saw it and I almost cried, he doesn't fit in it anymore, now, one of his teddy bears is wearing it! I love babies and with the little nephew I've discovered a very soft part of myself. Uuuuh, he already has me wrapped around his little finger. He's so cute, and he's a really really good baby, and he smiles and I melt like butter on a hot frying pan. Bea makes fun of me that I'm so "barco".

I don't even mind if I'm called "aunt or tia". I wonder how he'll call me? well, no rush really, babies should stay that small for much longer [i can see all parents rolling their eyes.....] but hey, they are just adorable. YYYYIIISSS and just want to squeeze him.

Friday, March 16, 2007


I don't go to Starbucks because I don't like companies that exaggerate their "social" awareness, I try to buy local, drive the least possible, recycle, etc. I know it's just a grain of sand in the big picture but I'm trying to do what i can. I think that goes the other way too. My good friend the other day showed me a van she wants. It's a massive monster thing, it's only her. I asked her....Why do you need such a big thing, it only pollutes, uses resources, etc?....she said, hey Carolina, it's only ONE van.....needless to say we got into a heated conversation about the power of one - for better or for worse.

I think ONE is a lot of power, because lots of ONES are millions and millions. I think for many things it's time that people stop thinking ONE, it's never one, everything is connected.

Thursday, March 08, 2007


International Women's Day has been observed since in the early 1900's, a time of great expansion and turbulence in the industrialized world that saw booming population growth and the rise of radical ideologies.... for more info check:

I think it's great to have this day, to recognize women of all works of lives doing all sorts of things all over the world. Nothing more inspiring than being surrounded by amazing women and to see others succeed in their careers, personal lives and just having them in my life. So to all of you, the ones i know and the ones i don't ... i'll have a double martini to cheer all the women in the world.

i've not included so many of you,but can't find pictures, i'll update it when i get all my pics loaded! or send me one!

Monday, March 05, 2007


Yes, I'm guilty of jaywalking, I guess that makes me a criminal. In Vancouver it's illegal and you can be fined $25 for it. I found the following somewhere, i guess a paper (?)

"I have heard some people say we should be out doing more meaningful work like catching bank robbers," he says [instead of fining jay walkers}. "I have a response for that. The last time someone was killed in Vancouver by a bank robber was 1968."

Davies says 183 people have been killed while jaywalking in Vancouver in the past ten years. Another 3000 have been injured.

Despite the statistics, jaywalkers remain unconvinced and unrepentant. "I think I'm quick enough too," says one, "but it is dangerous if you don't really know how fast the cars are going."
And this from another violator, "You get to wherever you go a lot quicker, and usually I think I'm pretty good at it."

Jaywalking when trying to catch the bus is kind of common, if you walk all the way to the corner you'll probably miss the bus. Many bus stops are kind of in the middle of the street. If you jay walk you will save some time, make it to the washroom on time, catch that last movie ticket, save those precious 56 seconds! Whatever!!! Although i try not to do it when I jaywalk, I RUN, I'm fast!

I can't believe those jaywalkers that cross like if they were taking a stroll around the park in the 1890's, for god sakes..... move it people, and please don't jay walk on dark, rainy nights wearing black!!! so easy to hit someone, in the last few weeks I almost kill a couple of people that were doing just what I mentioned, had I been driving any faster and I would be in jail now. And heck, when it's dark and raining I drive like an old gramma, so maybe I wouldn't have killed anyone, but at least injure them good. So, don't jaywalk, jayrun wearing something highly visible, if you can't run and keep the vampire look, walk to the corner and wait for the crossing ligh!