Wednesday, April 09, 2008


I spend as much time as I can with Carlo. That child is the funniest, cutest kid on earth. It's true that kids keep people young. We play a lot, doing silly things, he is not big enough yet to ride on my back, inevitable he holds on to my hair and I feel like a real horse. The thing is hurts!!

He likes to have a blankie in his mouth, I guess is his "coco", and when he is teething we assume it sooths his gums. Anyway, lately he likes to share his "trapo", yuck! but that day Bea and I stole it from him, the little guy couldn't believe it.


Several weeks ago I went to an archery class. It was a lot of fun, it's hard. My arrows found places that nobody had reached before....HAHAHA, very talented, but as the evening progressed so did my aim. I was able to shoot about 6 arrows in pretty close to the bull's eye and one was just outside, so not bad for an archer wanna be.

There is an archery club in Richmond, I am hoping to take the elves there sometime. It's a fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon, particularly when it's cold, raining and miserable, which has been the topic of this town for the last several weeks. I NEED THE SUN!!!