Friday, October 06, 2006


I just realized my last blog was over 1.5 months. Have not been inspired at all to write anything. But right now I can't stop thinking about shampoo.

There are so many shampoos out there. For straigh, curly, fuzzy, coloured, damaged, frizzy, dry, long, short, growing hair. With vitamins, proteins, herbs, fruit extracts, weird chemicals. some will make your hair shine, grow, go blonder, redder or blacker; some are good for winter, some for summer, some if you swim, it is very hard to buy shampoo.

I was standing at London Drugs for over 1/2 hour the other day trying to decide which shampoo to buy. Bought nothing. Now I have greasy hair but it is shiny. It is straight but it is really curly, though it's not fuzzy. I want it blacker but I don't want the indiscrete few white hairs I had gotten in the last few weeks, so maybe i should find something that gets rid of white hairs - ahhh! I don't think that exists yet, the hair companies are missing on a great, that would be useful! So, what shampoo should I buy? Maybe I'll try that Ice Shine by Pantene. Winter is not here yet, so it might be good to try a shiny shampoo before the cold hits the town.