on HO's and PIMPS
A few months ago I wrote about how disgusting it was to see all the young Mexican girls behaving like little hookers at the clubs. On Friday I went out dancing with some friends. We went to a very nice club called Caprice. Nice facility, great dance floor and pretty good music. Mind you, I had to leave before my friends because it felt that my ears were going to burst and bleed any second.... (age??).
A lot of the music that was played was rap, hiphop and regattone. I don't particularly like regattone mainly because the lyrics are usually vulgar. But the rhythm is kind of contagious, the same w/some rap and with hip hop. The club had big screens where they were showing videos. I was dancing and having fun but at some point I started observing....
On the dance floor...girls, young and beautiful, dressed with really small clothes some looking stunning and tastefully dressed, some looking horrible but nevertheless very little clothes, hahaha. Some beautiful, some ugly, skinny and fat, Indian, Latin, white, Asian.... but most behaving like idiotic vulgar "ho's". I hate to say that because that is doing exactly what is bothering so much.
Often I turn the TV on much music and just listen to the music. I rarely sit down to watch the videos and I don't usually pay attention to the lyrics (that's why I invent my own songs!! hahaha). Anyway, on Friday I did both, payed attention to the videos and the lyrics. And I was shocked. I know it sounds ridiculous but that is somewhat how I felt. A great majority of the videos that were shown depicted women as whores, scantly dressed, behaving like sexual objects. The men in the videos all UGLY, fat and tacky. The lyrics were all about "fuck, bend your ass, shut up 'ho, bitch", and all possible combinations of those few words. Watch video - watch dance floor.... reality imitating "art" (of course I'm being cynical here!). And I thought...damn it!....I've become my mother, I'm officially old!!
But old or not I find it disgusting how women are degraded in these "music". And I find it even more outrageous the impact that it has on actual bone and flesh women. I think that degrading anyone is shameful and it shouldn't be tolerated. But the reality is that these things don't survive without a market. I was looking at the girls and guys and most of them new the lyrics and were happily singing them. The girls singing "bitch, fuck, ass, etc..." while grinding their hips against the guys crotches -and that just to start.... with any guy .... why do girls accept to be devalued like that??
I have nothing against sexy, young, free, sexy dancing, even little clothes (if you don't wear them when you're that age, forget it!). It's sad to see all these young women objectifying themselves like that. Now, not ALL reggaeton/hiphop/rap is degrading, not ALL videos are about pimps'n ho's, but on Friday at that club that is all they showed. Today on Oprah they had a show exactly about that. Their focus was more on African-American women, but I think the effect is far reaching. As I said, at this Vancouver club there were girls from all over the world behaving the same way. It's sad.
So, I want to think that this thoughts are because I'm "old" (in my times we didn't do this/that....), but I think it goes beyond age. When did respect become old-fashioned? Is it really?