Having lunch at the zoo. Irena, Ana Laura and Me


The Jonibonis took us to a super good mexican restaurant!!

Thank you jonibonies, we had a super great time!!!
Nothing like getting up and heading straight to the mountain. Veronica and I did the Grouse Grind, invigorating. I haven't done that for a long time so it was challenging. I did it in 1'35" which is not that great really, I use to do in in 1 15 or so. But oh well, It was a beautiful day and boy did I have energy to last me for 48 hrs after that. Then went to work, and then went dancing until after midnight, but when I hit the pillow....I was gone....gone, gone. Maybe that will be the only thing that makes me sleep???
The worse has happened. My computer at home died. She had a quiet dead, in her sleep.